Welcome to my Legendary Marketer Online Business Builder Challenge review.
So, there has been a lot of buzz recently around the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge developed by Legendary marketer.
I decided to take a closer a look into this brief course to see if it is a legit or it’s just another fad. In fact I took it a step further and completed the 15 day challenge myself.
The challenge is targeted for new and intermediate online business owners.
If you are a new or looking to start an online business, this is designed for you. Legendary marketer has structured this to give you the best change to succeed.
If you are ready to start, click here to secure your 15 day challenge for $7 plus your bonuses
Legendary Marketer: The Company
Legendary Marketer is a online business course training company developed by David Sharpe. All the Legendary Marketer programs available are tailored for online marketers and entrepreneurs that is made up of of several low, medium and high ticket products.
Legendary Marketer’s system offers products and services that will help you make money and generate a full-time income. But I’ll talk about those in just a bit.
I’ve found the practical training is very useful as it gets you to start thinking on how to start a successful online business.
So, it’s the product’s such as the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge that really allows you to gain traction in any offer you are promoting.
It’s safe to say that the training is geared toward beginner and intermediate marketers. So it’s it’s not overwhelming and confusing for new-starters, but detailed to help you propel your results.
The 15 Day Business Builder Challenge further focuses on the fundamentals you need to succeed with ANY online business.
You can ready my in-depth Legendary Marketer review here
If you are ready to purchase the challenge, click here to secure your course plus your bonuses
How Much Does Challenge Cost?
Want Free Access To the 15 Day Challenge?
For a limited time, Legendary Marketer has sweetened the pot. They are giving our their ebook product — The Insider’s Guide To Affiliate Marketing eBook. They are throwing in the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge as a exclusive bonus.
What’s Inside the Legendary Marketer Online Business Builder Challenge?
So I’ve gone ahead and provided you with the overall structure of the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge. Because it really focuses on how to really lay down the foundations of building your affiliate marketing business.
When going through the material, Dave really has done well in structuring the challenge to make it easy to understand and implement. Because the principles and strategies he shares are simple, and very direct, this allows you to fully grasp the content.
What is even more surprising is that you get a personal business advisor that guides you through the course materials.
As you can see below, it’s pretty self explanatory about what Dave covers inside the challenge.
Day 1 – No.1 Secret to Building a High Ticket, High Profit Business Online
The first day goes through everything about you need to get started.
It touches on the need for foundation affiliate marketing tools such as sales funnels and why websites don’t work anymore. Other areas that Day 1 touches on is:
- What is a value ladder explained and how you can construct a value ladder in your business.
- You also complete your Digital Marketing Assessment Quiz which is used in your 1-On-1 business plan call with an adviser.
- Claim your Free Bonus Scripts and Templates!
- Tune into their Friday Free Trainings and Wake Up Legendary calls!
Day 2 – Top 4 Successful Online Businesses and Why High-ticket is More Profitable.
Dave goes through what is Affiliate Marketing and explains how it work in detail. He structures the explanation in steps which is easy to implement for yourself and to execute.
Day 3 – How to sell products using affiliate marketing and what not to do
In this training modeule, Legendary Marketer explains how to create an email list and why you need one for your business. Having an email list can have a return on your investment as high as 4800%. This module shows you how to set your email marketing campaigns for success.
BONUS: Set up your funnel modeling our top affiliate marketing “bridge funnel”.
You also get to meet the 30+ person team behind Legendary Marketer.
Day 4 – What is your Business Blueprint (and how do you change it).
They throw in a free copy of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book as well. Best lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad (or secrets of the millionaire mind).
They also provide you with a short Clarity Process Questionnaire. This will be used in your next business plan call with your advisor.
Order your copy of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.
Day 5 – How to Grow a Business using 3 Pillars Of Revenue?
This module teaches you the how to grow a business using Jay Abraham’s 3 Pillars Of Revenue. This is very information and provides clarity to increase your revenue using different strategies.
You also need to complete your business and which will be used in your next call with your business adviser.
Day 6 – How to Be Resourceful with Money
Dave touches on a few different topic here. I feel the most beneficial is how to scale your business profitably and how to use haters & unsupportive people to fuel your business.
They also give you a Limited time offer to purchase Business Blueprint Bundle (5 major programs + bonuses) for price of just one program.
Real members testimonials.
Day 7 – When to Quit your Job to Build your Business full-time
Dave goes through when is the perfect time to take your online business full time. Alot of people make the big mistake of quitting their job too early with having sufficient income from their new business.
Legendary Marketer provides the strategies of how you can take your business to full time potential. This module also provides you how patience is the key to success in business (& life!).
Ready to take the Legendary Marketer challenge? Sign up here now.
Day 8 – What are High Income Skills & Why You Need Them to Succeed.
Dave shows the key Income skills you need, he also provides the underlying strategies of how to apply these skills.
He also explains how failure can leave to unprecedented success and how to build from these failures in your business.
Day 9 – Why Lead Generation is Vital To Your Business
Dave provides lessons on how to generate leads online. You also have to complete a task: What is your biggest challenge or question around Lead Generation?
This allows you to get clarity on how to target hot leads that are willing to buy your product and generate revenue.
Day 10 – Copy-writing and What Does Copywriting Do?
90% of selling or generating commissions is connecting with your leads. Story telling is vital in making emotional connections with leads and convert them to sales. Part of this is writing stimulating and converting emails to help people make informed decision to purchase your product.
A good book on how to build your copywriting is this free book by Jim Edwards called Copywriting Secrets. He provides insight on how to write engaging copy through sales letters, webinars and email marketing.
Task to Complete: What is your biggest challenge or question around Copy-writing?
Day 11 – Why Sales is a Vital Skill in Business.
Everything that generates revenue for any business is through Sales. Regardless, everything is a transaction between two people. Whether it’s getting a new job (where you’ve pitched to be the best people for the job), or selling vacuums (where you’ve received financial reward for selling a tangible product). Sales are inevitable.
Legendary marketer teaches you the skill of mastering sales through their curiculum. They heavily touch on this in the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge.
Complete: What is your biggest challenge or question around Sales?
Day 12 – Core Income Skills to Outsource When Starting Your Business
Legendary Marketer touches on you outsourcing 3 core income skills. This is more so to help you to ensure you have quality over quantity. Often if you do not have these 3 skills define initially, you’ll be wasting alot of time and money. The 15 Day Online Business Challenge explains in detail and get the best bang for your buck when starting an online business.
For example, having automation complete for you and a done-for-you system. Would you like to have all your copy-writing, lead generation and technical set-up done-for-you?
Day 13 – Leverage Other Peoples Money for Your Business
They provide cores strategies in how to utilize other peoples money to make your business thrive. These strategies are essential to business automation.
Day 14 – How to Avoid Being a Wantrepreneur
They explain how to differentiate being a Wantrepreneur (a wannabe) to being a full on Entrepreneur (this is what you want to be).
This shows you how to be consistent in your business and how to manage the hard times (especially when you want to give up). This module gives you some key strategies to overcome this.
Day 15 – Belief
This is the Last Day of the Challenge, it provides you the strategies to help you maintain the belief to succeed. Starting and building an online business can be tough.
They teach you how to execute your business plan and the strategies to help start generating revenue.
They also allow you to apply for the Legendary Marketer affiliate program. Which can only be done once you complete the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge. Sign up here for the Business Challenge to get access to this High ticket program.
Final Thoughts
Does this Legendary Marketer Business Challenge bring value? Well, after purchasing the Legendary Marketer products myself in early December 2019, I found alot of benefits from applying the strategies they teach.
The strategies have allowed others to develop some core strategies to start generating true results in their online business. It allows you find the best affiliate programs available, and be highly profitable. You can use the strategies in Legendary Marketer within any business and nice. As you can see below, after a applying some of the strategies, I started seeing immediate results.
Exclusive Legendary Marketer Business Challenge Bonuses
You can grab your copy of Legendary Marketers Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing here
So before you secure your Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing book, I am offering some additional bonuses to assist you in learning the concept of funnels.
- Mega Bonus #1: Urgency Suites Pro + White Label Rights: Software that creates so much more urgency for customers to buy your product ($497 value)
- Huge Bonus #2: Vid Chomper Pro: is a cutting edge software because it exploits an incredibly powerful loophole in the YouTube algorithm ($997 value)
- Special Bonus #3: Fuego Multiplier Google Adwords Course: Multiply your profits and save up to 90% off Google Adwords advertising! ($297)
- Bonus #4: Bing Ads Mastery Training: So you’ll get traction on the advertising that Bing Ads has to offer! ($297)
- Bonus #5: Commission Blueprint: exact strategies used by Super Affiliates to generate over half a million in affiliate sales! ($197 value)
- Bonus #6: DropFunnel Share Funnel Library + White Label Rights – 56 share funnels you can directly import into your CF account. ($497 value)
- Bonus #7: Ultimate List of Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs + White Label Rights – List of over 130+ affiliate programs that offer lifetime recurring commissions ($297 value)
- Bonus #8: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library + White Label Rights – Get the exact Facebook ads that 40 of the top internet entrepreneurs are running right now. ($197 value)
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will be compensated if you click through and take action.
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